Our Services
Celtic Community Services Staff have been interviewed and references have been checked, by Care Standards showing we are capable of offering a domiciliary service in the community.
We have regular inspections and these will be available for public viewing on the CSSIW website.
Click here to see the CSSIW
Celtic Support Services aims to offer a high quality professional, flexible support service with assistance for people experiencing substance dependency issues, alcohol related dementia and other alcohol related issues also Mental Health, Disabilities and supporting the older person.
We offer support to individuals who have attended rehabilitation or as a direct referral from their Social Work Provider, GP or private healthcare provider.
We can offer support from as little as 6 hours - 40 plus hours per week.
We accept direct funding or direct payments and we will assist the client to audit and secure funding.
We conduct risk assessments on all new clients and their homes and along with the provider we assess how much support the client will need.
We offer support with administration / ordering of medication, Tenancy support, benefits and social interaction, hobbies, job related topics – interviews. Shopping and Social activities to help motivate individuals adding structure through their days.
We encourage clients to visit their doctors, dentist, opticians and hospital appointments, and we offer transport to and from all appointments.
We actively encourage clients to add structure to their lives and we promote independent living.
All staff are experienced and are undertaking level 3 in Care.
All staff will receive training, which will be on going.
Staff are Pova trained, have first aid and medication training as well as an extensive induction programme. Substance Misuse awareness (2 day course) Challenging Behaviour, Health and Safety, Lone working, Manual Handling, Hepatitis awareness, Fire safety, Medication administration, Food Hygiene, Mental Health Awareness, Mental Capacity Act, Breakaway Techniques, some staff will be trained in Basic Counselling skills. QCF / NVQ with incorporated Danos units.
Staff have a CRB Enhanced disclosure every three years this includes a Pova check.
Driving licences are checked every three - six months along with Insurance documentation.
Regular supervisions and appraisals.
We carry Identity badges and breathalysers and first aid kits, mobile phones and personal alarms.
We follow policies and procedures and all clients have care plans, risk assessments, contracts and 24/7 telephone support.
We offer contracts for the following;
Financial assistance - regular audits.
Medication assistance - medication charts, collection and administration support, a digital safe will be installed if client wishes to accept this level of support.
We offer a reduced drinking programme.
We make sure that clients have our full attention and support and will report any concerns to the relevant authority.
We ask the clients permission to install a safe and also give them a diary so that we can record any activities and or appointments.
We keep all records according to CSSIW regulations and all staff complete client time sheets and client reports at each and every visit, these are then collected weekly by senior staff and monitored.
Our service is tailored to the individual as everyone is different and we want our service success rate to continue growing.
We can provide references and we are currently operating a waiting list and are in the process of recruiting.
Senior Staff Members:
Catherine E Hanson Registered Manager Responsible Person and Director.
Catherine's qualifications are:
Level 5 in Management.
Level 4 in Management and ILM
Level 3 and 2 in health and social care
PTLLS Level 4
Train a Trainer
Challenging Behaviour
Breakaway Techniques
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Capacity Act
First Aid,
food and hygiene,
Medication administration.
Foundation in health and safety,
Fire safety.
Alcohol and dementia.
Level 1 & 2 in substances.
Service user needs assessment.
Relapse and Lapse prevention.
Basic skills in Counselling.
Staff supervision and Appraisal.
Joanne Youngs Financial and Personnel Manager/ Director.
Joanne's qualifications are:
A level psychology, criminology and sociology
First Aid
Medication administration
Challenging Behaviour
Breakaway Techniques
Mental Health Awareness
Health and safety
Mental Capacity Act
Food Hygiene
NVQ 3 in Management
Fire safety
Basic skills in Counselling